A flight attendant has a hilarious response to a haughty rich woman

A flight attendant has a hilarious response to a haughty rich woman

A flight attendant has a hilarious response to a haughty rich woman

In the past few years, the airline business has had its fair share of problems. Not only do they have to deal with angry people, but they also have to smile while they do it. As you might guess, some of them find it very hard to keep quiet about what’s really on their minds.

When they do get the chance to do it, though, it’s usually one of the coolest things you can think of. So it was when this male flight attendant got into a fight with a pushy, wealthy passenger. You will laugh out loud at the results.

A gay flight attendant dealt with a rude passenger who wouldn’t put their tray down for landing in a very interesting way. At one point, the flight attendant told this woman to raise her tray, but she wouldn’t. Instead, she spoke rudely. He said something that you’ll never guess.

In charge of my flight was an obviously gay flight attendant who was acting very gay. As he brought us food and drinks, he seemed to make everyone happy.

As the plane was getting ready to land, he swung down the aisle and told us:

It would be great if everyone could put their trays away because Captain Marvey has asked me to let everyone know that he will be landing the big scary plane soon.

As he walked back up the aisle, he saw that a young woman who was very well dressed and beautiful hadn’t moved.

I asked you to raise your tray so the main man can pat us on the back. Maybe you couldn’t hear me over those big brute engines.

In a calm voice, she turned her head and said, “In my country, people call me a Princess, and I will do what they say.”

This is what the flight attendant said right away:

“Well, sweetheart, I’m a Queen in my country, so I’m more important than you.” “Bitch, put the tray down.”

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