7 Tips for Better Sex After 40

7 Tips for Better Sex After 40

As you age, some conditions or medicines may put a damper on your sex drive and performance. But don’t think that if you’re in the over-40 crowd, you have to settle for a less-than-fulfilling sex life.

You can still enjoy sex — you just may have to put a little more thought and planning into it than you did when you were younger.

Here are 7 things you can do to keep sex exciting and fulfilling for you and your partner:

1. Get regular exercise

You may think of sex as leisurely, but you can work up quite a sweat during lovemaking. Here are a few reasons why getting fit can help you get it on:

It strengthens your muscles. Nothing can kill a mood fast than hurting your back or pulling a muscle. Check into the best strength-training exercises for you.

It improves your mood. Exercise can release chemicals in your brain that make you feel better and more at ease. When was the last time you felt blue and also interested in sex?READ MORE BELOW

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